24 February, 2011

The Color Purple: Celie Vs. Nettie .

In the book, “The Color Purple,” by Alice Walker, talks about the life events of Celie. This book is written in the point of view of Celie, and later in the story, with also her sister, Nettie's point of view, when Nettie was in Africa, she sends letters back and forth to Celie. The book is also an epistolary novel, in a letter or a diary format. In the beginning of the book, Celie often writes to God, she often writes to God because she trusts God. That God will protect her, and not tell anyone her secrets, so Celie tells God everything that occurs in her life. She also believes that God can solve her conflicts, and issues that happens in her life. While Celie and Nettie are sisters, there are tremendous differences that defines who they are.
To begin, there is an education inequality between Celie and Nettie. Celie is a person that wants to learn, but does not have the chance to. Celie wrote to God, “ ...Pa took me out of school. He never care that I love it... You too dumb to school, Pa say.” ( page 9). Celie got the chance to go to school, but on her first day of school, her Dad already dragged her out of school, because he said shes not smart enough to go to school. Though, Celie stepped her first step into a school, she never got the chance to learn anything from school. While, this is totally different for Nettie. Celie's dad believes Celie is the dumb one, that should stay at home, and Nettie should go to school. “Pa say. Nettie the clever one in this bunch.” ( page 9). This explains that, Nettie went to school, because their dad said Nettie is the smart one, so she deserves to go to school, if you are not smart enough then you do not go. And can not be smart even if you learn from school, that is why her dad never gave the chance to let Celie learn at school. Although, Celie never got the chance to learn at school, she did learned from her sister, Nettie. “ No matter what happen, Nettie steady try to teach me what go on in the world. And she a good teacher too.” ( page 16). Nettie teaches whatever she knows to Celie, because Nettie thinks education is important to both females and males, that is why she wants Celie to be educated too, like her.
In addition, both Celie and Nettie are married. Nettie's marriage was more successful than Celie's. Celie married someone she does not truly love,  and she only married him because her “ Pa” made her. Like on page 9, “But it is hard to think with gitting married to Mr._____ hanging over my head.” This shows that, Celie does not want to marry him, and is not willing to. Also, when Nettie said to Celie, “ I sure hate to leave yo here with these rotten children, she say. Not to mention with Mr.____. Its like seeing you buried, she say.” (page 17) This portrays that, after marrying to Mr.____ Celie needs to watch over his children, it is like “ seeing you buried.” Which means, that shes is like suffering, and is unhappy with the marriage. It is very different for Nettie. Nettie married to Samuel, which she loved, and was not by any force to marry him, she married him because of willingness. Nettie wrote to Celie, “... I loved him all along; but I did not know it. And I love his eyes eyes in which the vulnerability and beauty of his soul can be plainly read.” ( page 238.) Nettie married to Samuel, because they love each other, and they have been through a lot when they were in Africa.  For instance, they have been through the times when the white people were at the village building railroads, when the Europeans were at the Olinka village, they also been through the death of Corrine, and many other more that made their love strong as it is.
Lastly, when it comes to having best friends, Celie has only Sofia and Shug, while Nettie has many others. Celie has always been quiet, so when it comes to meeting new people it was hard for her. But, Sofia has an loud personality which made her and Celie becoming friends, and telling each others hardships. Also,Celie and Shug shared a close relationship, because when Shug was ill, Celie took care of her. When Celie was frighten to stand up for herself, Shug stood up for her. When Celie tells Shug that Mr._____ beats her, “ I won't leave, she say, until I know Albert won't even think about beating you.” (75) This shows that, Shug is someone that will protect and stand up for Celie. Shug, will make Mr._____ not beat Celie, like he did before. While Nettie has Samuel, Corrine, Tashi, Adam, And Olivia. There are more people that Nettie can trust, rather than Celie, she only have Shug and Sofia.
Clearly, there are many differences between Celie and Nettie that created who they are. Celie received less education than Nettie, so as a conclusion of that Nettie taught her sister, how to write, how to spell, how to read, and other stuff she learned from school. Nettie has more close friends and because of that, it made it seem like Celie does not have as many. And Celie's marriage did not turn out as good as Nettie's, which created a stronger women out of Celie, that made her break free from Mr.____ and her position as a house wife, at the end of the story.