12 November, 2010

Response To : The Excitements Of Black Friday .

This is going to be a response blog post to Jessica's post about her excitements for Black Friday.
And here is something that she said on her post :

" This is the time of the year people would go buy presents for each other for Christmas... Black Friday is the day that provide excitements for everyone. Although a numerous of people would stay up all night just to receive things that are on sale, it is worth it. This year I am excited about Black Friday, I am definitely going to GO :D  "

I agree with Jessica, Black Friday is definitely a day to get all the presents for your family or friends for Christmas presents. It is a great deal to get the presents on Black Friday, because Black Friday equals to SALE ! The increased number of shoppers in stores or malls creates the busiest shopping day of the year !

Whether shoppers or consumers are searching in malls or online, Black Friday specials are the ultimate goal. And, on Black Friday malls or stores open up as early as midnight. And plus, who ever gets to the store first will buy the most and the sizes they fit in, because if you do not get there early enough, they will run out of quantities and sizes, colors, and etc. This also applies to shopping online too, if you do not buy the stuff you desire to get, then other people will get it before you. As a result, the item or items that you wish for might run out of stock. Or the color, the size, and etc that you wished it would be would run out of stocks too.

So, either shopping in a mall or store, or online you should hurry up and buy the stuff you want to buy before every one else get it before you. And when going Black Friday shopping, you should bring your friends or family too, because there are limited quantity that you can purchase. And as of this year, I am going to go Black Friday too ! To buy stuff I need, and Christmas presents for families and friends.

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