01 November, 2010

Amir & Hassan .

The Kite Runner is about friendship, betrayal, and the price of loyalty.  Hassan and Amir grew up together, lived in the same house, were fed from the same breast, and shared many other similarities. Yet, there are differences between them, and those differences created who they are. Amir and Hassan grew up in two different worlds: Amir is the son of a wealthy man, while Hassan is the servant of Amir’s father, and he is a Hazara. Which at that time, a Hazara wasn’t worth to played with,  nor talked to.

There were numerous of time when it portrays Amir’s personalities, being selfish, and envies Hassan.  On page 53 stated Amir is jealous of how fast Hassan could run. Amir narrated, “ I was a year older than him, but Hassan ran faster than I did, and I was falling behind.” This shows that Amir is jealous that Hassan can run faster than him, but he is the one that is older. He thinks he should be the one running faster than him, not Hassan being faster than him. Later on in the story, after Hassan got raped, Amir asked to go to Jalalabad. His father agreed, and told him to ask Hassan to join along. But Amir told his father Hassan wasn’t feeling well. During Amir and his father’s conversation,  “‘That’s all it is, then a cold?’ I couldn’t help hating the way his brow furrowed with worry.” This shows that Amir envies Hassan, because Hassan received worries from Amir’s dad. Amir thinks that it should be only for him, and not to be shared with Hassan.

Hassan, he is someone that his loyal to his friend. And his friend would be Amir. In the book, when him and Amir were on their way to the tree, they saw Assef, and his friends. The moment when Assef was about to hurt Amir, Amir saw “I turned and came face to face with Hassan’s slingshot. Hassan had pulled the wide elastic band all the way back... Pointed directly at Assef’s face.”(43) This demonstrates that Hassan will do anything for Amir, Hassan will hurt Assef if he needs to. And Hassan knows the consequences if he does hurt Assef, and knows Assef will get him back. Hassan is risking himself for Amir. Also on page 105, when Amir accused Hassan that he stole his watch and money. Amir realized that he done something wrong to Hassan again, “ Then I understood: This was Hassan’s final sacrifice for me. If he’d said no, Baba would have believed him...Hassan never lied. If Baba believed him, then I’d be the accused.” This explains that Hassan will sacrifice anything for Amir, because he is loyal. He would never do something that would hurt him, and he knows Amir doesn’t want him to be around anymore. Because this ruins Amir and his father’s relationship, Hassan knows. So he lied that he stole it, because he wants Amir to be happy with his father.

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