29 October, 2010

What Blogging Means To Me .

To start of, I have to admit that I am not use to having a blog and sharing it out to people I may not know, and to the world. We are required to post up two blog posts every week before Friday, before (11:59:59 pm) the clock hits 12:00 am. Though, I struggle when coming up with topic ideas to write about or whose blog posts to response back to. Plus having to post up two blogs per week, but as each week and each blog posts passed by, I got use to blogging two posts per week now, and became better (but not the best) of what topics to write about, and whose blog entry to do a response to. As I went back to my blog and see what I have posted up, I noticed that half of my blog entries are response posts from my classmates’ blog post, and also I saw that the other half are my choice of writing a free topic.

Out of all the blogs I have written and posted up, my current favorite is a response to being addicted to Facebook. This blog entry, about being addicted to Facebook relates to who I really am. Because in this blog entry, I talked about how Facebook has changed me, but also became a distraction for me. I expressed in my blog :
To start off, Facebook is a powerful tool for keeping in touch with people you know, or with people you lost contacts with for a long long time. And with Facebook, you can just type in their names and click search. Then this way you can keep in touch with them. Also with Facebook you can interact with your closest friends or friends that live very far away ! Not even friends, but you can also keep in contact with your family members that are far away too... When ever I start on my homework, Facebook distracts me from finishing it the time I expect myself to. And as a result, I have to stay up until like 10:00. 11:00 or even 12:00 to finish my homework. “
This particular blog post really shows that I am someone that gets distracted by Facebook easily. As I have mentioned in my blog post, Facebook is a distraction that slows me on when finishing or doing my homework.  For instance, when writing blogs we are using the computer ! Here is why: Blogging on the Internet has became a distraction  for me because, every time when I am writing my blog. I would get writer’s block then the next thing I would do is to do something else, to get some new ideas. This happens, because we have to use the Internet to do our blogs, and when I get bored or run out of idea on adding stuff into the blog, I tend to find something else to do, to find new ideas to add in. And what i do is go on Facebook. As a result of going onto facebook, I later forget that I still have to finish my blog and because of that  my blogs are published near 11:00-11:50 pm. Plus, because of that they are not in the best quality, since they were rushed to be finished.

After talking about my current favorite blog post, now lets talk about my least favorite. My least favorite would of course be my first blog post that I posted up on my blog. It was based on our summer homework, the one about how we had bullied others, what we witnessed when other bullied, or how we were part of an alliance of bullying some one else. I dislike it, it has way too many repeated words, and ideas. Here is what it partly looks like:
“After reading 'Just Kidding And Ganging Up' from Odd Girls Out: The Hidden Culture of Aggression in Girls by Rachel Simmons reminded me a time when I was part of an alliance that made someone feel bad. So this is what happened, back in Elementary School,  where everyone did not think before they speak, when nobody took anything seriously, and when most of the time we joked around. “
Looking back to this blog post to find some quotes, the truth is that I don’t even want to look at it. I did not like this blog post because, it was a chunk of a long story! I did not break them into paragraphs as I should have. But it was our first post, we were not required to. I say this blog post is way too descriptive and there are way too many details on just the “character” of the story. I should of focused more on other ideas instead of just describing only the “character” in my little story.

The writings I do on my blog is different from the more structured academic assignments I write, because of two reasons. First reason is that writing on your blog means posting up your writing to the whole world. Which everyone can see, the people you may know or the people you may not. But when writing a more academic assignments, only your teacher will read it to grade it. Or you might share it out to your classmates, friends, or people you know. Its different when blogging, you never know who is reading it. Second reason is that posting up blogs let you write freely to express your self, since people who you don’t know will know who wrote it. Keeps it an anonymous writing, letting you have more privacy when expressing yourself. Not to mention that in your academic writings, you have to keep it to a limit, it has to be appropriate for school. Not only that it has to fit the requirements on the rubric.

In conclusion, based on the work I have put on my blog in the first quarter I have now set goals for my second quarter. My writing or blog posting goals for the second quarter are having and writing better or coming up with more creative topics to write on my blog. This is important because not only we are writing for a grade in Mr.Sutherland’s class to earn an A, we are also letting other people read our posts. Besides that, I also want to chance my working methods. In addition, I should not procrastinate, and having to do my blog on the last minute. This means that not to post up blog posts on the last ,day, hour,minute, second. My goal is to post my blog entries before the day it is due, so people can get ideas from it and write it on their blogs. My last goal is to not write so much though we need at least 350 words on each blog posts. What I mean is “less is more” so less repeated words or ideas in the post and more creative ideas in it instead. What I should do to accomplish my goal is to re-read my post before posting it up, and take out the stuff I don’t need in there. Overall, posting up blogs is creative, and fun.

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