04 March, 2011

Leaning on Windows .

In the book, The House on Mango Street, by Sandra Cisneros is written by the narrator Esperanza, not only that but the book is also written in the style of vignettes.There are many vignettes in the book, and in those vignettes, there are many themes and symbols that relate back to Esperanza and her family .  In the vignettes “My Name,” “No Speak English”, and  “Rafaela”, all have something similar in them. They relate to “windows” and women which both symbolize something important.
In the vignette, “My Name”, Esperanza explains how she got her name, and it was from her great grandma. Esperanza wrote: “She (her great grandma) looked out the window her whole life, the way so many women sit their sadness on an elbow.” (10) This quote shows that, when her grandma is inside the house, looking out at the window, it is a symbol that her grandma is being locked and wants freedom. Esperanza’s great-grandmother really wants freedom, because she married to a guy she does not like and HAS to spent her whole life sitting sadly by her window.
In addition, the vignette, “No Speak English,” talks about Esperanza’s neighbor, Mamacita. Esperanza said, “She won’t come down. She sits all day by the window... I think she cries.” (77). Mamacita does not speak English, and she came from a Spanish speaking country, where she was dragged to come to America. Mamacita sits by the windows all day and look down at the street, just like Esperanza’s great grandma. Mamacita wants to go back to where she is from, because when she is here in America, she can not communicate with others. She wants freedom too, to be able to go back to where she was from. And not being controlled by her husband.
Moreover, in “Rafaela Who Drinks Coconut and Papaya Juice on Tuesdays”, talked about, Esperanza’s neighbor Rafaela. In the text it says Rafaela is married to a man that does not want anyone to see his wife, because of her beauty so this is what Rafaela does : “ And then Rafaela, who is still young but getting old from leaning out the window so much, gets locked indoors... Rafaela wishes she could go there and dance before she gets old. “ (79) This demonstrates that Rafaela’s husband locked her in because she is too beautiful, he is scared to lose her. While Rafaela wants to be free and chase her dream, of being able to dance. Instead, all she can do is lean out the window and wishes to have freedom, and being able to dance, and leave her husband.
Clearly,  all of the women want is freedom. Esperanza’s great grandma wants to leave her husband that she does not love. Mamacita wants to go back to her country, and being able to come out and communicate with others. And while Rafaela wants freedom because she wants to chase her dreams, of being able to dance.

1 comment:

  1. Great insights!! Do you feel like you have the freedom you want?
