02 May, 2011

Peer Review Comments .

For Elizabeth : .after reading your rough draft of the book review, I think your book is weird but interesting at the same time !! it interested me into wanting to read this book too [: 
Although you said that you are not finish with the draft of the book review, I think there are few things you can add onto to make your draft longer. After reading your draft, I noticed that you do not have any quotes, so to make your draft longer, you could of added some quotes. Also, can you give more explanation or description of what the village "bad ass" is like? 

For fermin : after reading your review on your book, it also interested me into reading this book. I also like how you related this book to the child called it. Also you said "The other book that i read from the same 
author is Brothers in Arms. Both of these books share many similarities. They both have the same plot, violence in the conflict and there’s always the main character has a hard time staying safe everyday"  <---  I think you should add on to this, you should list more 
similarities and go into depth more, because its just too little. ADD MORE !

For ivan: to begin, your book review's length is too short, remember it has to be at least 1000 words.  also,  you said that "When Tess was introduced, her character seems to be a cold-hearted person with one specific purpose in life. Tess held a purpose she was determined to accomplish, without allowing any interference." so you said tess only help one purpose in life. what is that purpose ? i think you should elaborate what the purpose is. but over all, good job. 

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