23 May, 2011

Final Reflective Essay .

When I started having this blog, I struggled with many things. Whether it was what my next topic would be, how I could make my blog posts sound more interesting, having writer’s blocks, and many more things similar to these. As I wrote more and more blogs, I started to realize that blogging is a way to express my self. I do not need to make every single one of my posts interesting, because I am just expressing my self. Blogging has become one of my ways to express my feelings.

4. In what ways do writing response posts to classmates' blogs help me become a better writer, reader, or thinker? Are there other ways in which my classmates' blogs help me learn?
As I wrote more and more blog posts that were related to me, I also started blogging about my class mate and blog posts that are related to them. So when I started writing response blog posts, it helped me become a better writer, reader, and even thinker.  And that is because it made me think more, and as I think more, I wrote more. And as a result of writing more, I have became a better writer because as I wrote more, I knew how to deal with ways when I have writer’s blocks. I knew what to do when I did not know what to write. And what I did was keep on writing, do not stop. That is because if I continue writing and writing, I know ideas will come up in my mind, and I will get inspired and write better things and ideas.
Although I still get stuck when I write ( writer’s block happening right now right now ! ) but I knew how to deal with it now.
In addition, reading my classmates’ blogs made me learn more, it made me learn more about themselves.  For instance I noticed that a lot of classmates have a lot of things to say about Justin Bieber. Karen C. loves Justin Bieber so much that she wants to start a club just FOR HIM and the people that loves Justin Bieber. This is what she said “We are going to have a Justin Bieber club. We decided to have a club about him specifically because he is super cute and talented. He deserves to have a fan club. If you love Justin Bieber whether it's for his personality ,cuteness, or his singing you should join this club.”
Not only Karen loves him, but many of my classmates do too. Like Billy, he loves Justin Bieber, and wants to defend for him , this is what billy said on his post  “I really need to talk about something VERY important. Everyone knows who Justin Bieber, but why does everyone hate him. Mr. Bieber is a regular normal teenager (just like all of us) who has an amazing voice and is very popular” After I read this post of Billy about Justin Bieber, I learned that Billy wrote this post not only to show his love for Justin Bieber but also to defend for him. He listed the reasons why people hate him , and also had a comeback to those reasons that people think of Justin Bieber.
Lastly, reading my classmates’ blogs made me learn a lot from them, but writing a
response post back to their blog posts, it helped me express my true self too.  I wrote a particular response blog post about an online social network, its FACEBOOK. In the blog post, I responded to Andy L., he wrote a blog post about Facebook, and so I wrote back a response blog post. In this response blog post about Facebook, it showed what I think of Facebook. The following is what I said in my response post: “Facebook can be addicting  yet boring at the same time. Though I said it is boring, yet I find myself going on that website everyday. Facebook is a addiction and also a distraction. “  This blog post shows that I am someone that procrastinates a lot, because of Facebook addiction.

 In conclusion, based on the blogs I have written so far,  I came up with a few goals. My writing or blog posting goals for my blogging is to have and writing better or coming up with more creative topics to write on my blog. This is important to me because not only that my classmates can read this blog, other people from other countries are reading it too. When I went to my blogging stats, I noticed that most of my audience are from United States, however interestingly, 63 are from Slovenia, and 12 from Russia, and a few other numbers from other countries. Besides that, my other goal is it that I want to change my working methods, and that is I should not procrastinate, and having to do my blog on the last minute. This means that not to post up blog posts on the last ,day, hour,minute, or even second. To end my habit of doing my blog at the last minute, I should start on my blog entries before the day it is due, so people can get ideas from it and write it on their blogs. My last goal is to not write so much even though we need at least 350 words on each blog posts. What I mean by “less is more” is less repeated words or ideas in the post. But have more creative ideas in it instead, and stronger ideas. What I should do to accomplish my goals I listed above it to is to always re-read my post before posting it up, and after reading it I should edit it, like take out the stuff I don’t need in there. Although, blogging is sharing my feelings to the whole world, it gave me experiences of knowing how to blog better. I do not think I will continue blogging for other uses other than homework.  And that is because the only reason that I blogged was because I was getting graded on it.

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