28 September, 2010

Qfwfq's Characteristics.

In Italo Calvino’s stories The Aquatic Uncle and The Dinosaurs, the most defining characteristic of the narrator, Qfwfq, is often embarrassed of himself and his family, and doesn't want to face the truth.

To begin,Qfwfq is embarrassed by his great uncle, N'ba N'ga. Qfwfq wants to bring his fiancée, Lll to meet N'ba N'ga, but is embarrassed by the fact that N’ba N’ga is a fish, and Lll and her family are land creatures, which is totally different from his family member.“.. To introduce my fiancée. But every time an opportunity occurred, I postponed it,  out of embarrassment; knowing the prejudices among which she had been brought up, I hadn't yet dared tell Lll that my great- uncle was a fish.” (75) This portrays that Qfwfq is someone that is embarrassed because of his family, because he doesn't know if his fiancée can accept the differences among them or not. He is afraid that this difference can tear them apart. He even said that he postponed the family meeting many times, because of the fact that his great uncle is a fish.
Additionally, Qfwfq rather move on instead of facing the truth. Qfwfq is embarrassed by the fact that his fiancée fell in love with his great uncle so instead of facing the reality he left and went on his way. Qfwfq brought Lll to introduce to N’ba N’ga, but as a result, Lll fell in in love with his great uncle, and left  Qfwfq. Qfwfq is embarrassed by the fact that Lll would rather go with N’ba N’ga instead of staying with Qfwfq. Qfwfq didn't try to get her back though. Instead he moved onto his life.“ It was a hard blow for me. But, after all what could i do about it? I went on my way, in the midst of the world’s transformations being transformed by myself" ( 81 )This demonstrates that Qfwfq is someone that gives up easily, because he said it was hard to accept the fact Lll picked his great uncle over him. Qfwfq didn't even try to think of what he can do about it,and how he can get Lll back, instead he moved on.
Lastly, Qfwfq is afraid of how people view him. Qfwfq is ashamed and embarrassed of himself, because he is different from the others. When he came back into the world of other creatures, he encounters a species which is different from his, he doesn't know how they will react to him.“ Now she will realize who i am, I'm thinking now she will take a better look at me and recognize me. And as one does, when one doesn't want to be observed, I kept my eyes lowered and coiled my tail, as if to hide it.” ( 99 ) This shows  that Qfwfq is someone that has low self esteem, he is afraid of what others will say about him. He isn't proud of who he is. He even shows this with his tail- curling, body language.

24 September, 2010

Braces, And Skinny Jeans/ Jeggings .

                One thing trending now is skinny jeans. More and more people are wearing skinny jeans including females and males. It seems that more people choose skinny jeans over flares, straight, and boot cut.  Skinny jeans make people that wear them feel skinnier, taller, and make them look like their legs are longer. And it also makes them look like they have a better body shape.
              Another thing trending now similar to skinny jeans are jeggings. A combination of skinny jeans with out the hard denim fabric and leggings. Some jeggings do not have pockets, and yet people still like  to wear them. Though, some jeggings have 2 pockets at the back. People like jeggings because when you bend down you do not have to feel the hard denim between the back of your legs/knees., like jeans.  Some jeggings are really thin like leggins, so people prefer to wear it in summer, less heat tracks in.    
                Braces the new trend ? Braces are medal wires and brackets that gets put in your mouth, held tightly with colored bands to straighten your teeth. Now a days many people, including young and old have braces. Braces come in clear, silver and colors such as pink, blue, some are multicolored and any color you can think of. More and more people are getting braces even though braces are expensive. Many people say that having braces is torture, yet they are a trend. Honestly, braces only hurt when you have a power chain or 12 chains. And only sometimes, rarely the adjustments hurt. 
               When people pick color for the bands of their braces, they usually pick their school colors, colors of the season or just plain silver. And sometimes colors of the holidays. For instance, in December on the holiday of Christmas most people pick the colors red, green and white. And on Halloween, some people picked black, white and orange as their colors. On July Forth, they get red, white, and blue as their colors.Even though some people get braces to straighten their teeth,  however some people are getting them just to be like their friends or in the crowd. 
Thank you for reading this entry. Haha (: 

Response To Justice's Post .

After reading Justice's entry on why teenagers should be allowed to vote. In my opinion I support both pros and cons, I think we should be allowed to vote, but I  also have reasons on why we shouldn't be allowed to vote. The following is what Justice said,

"Today I would like to talk about how teenagers are not allowed to vote. In my opinion I think teenagers should be allowed to vote because we are just as important this society like adults are. I understand we should not have all the rights as an adult, but I do not think voting is one of them. I would think teenagers should be allowed to vote because we are the future. So wouldn't it make sense for us to at least have some what of a say in our future." 
Why we should be allowed to vote : As Justice already mentioned, we should be allow to vote, since we have the rights to decide OUR future for OUR SELF. And we should have the rights to decide on what we want and what we do not want.  Some of teenagers are a lot more mature than adults, since we might think differently than them and we will come up with better new ideas.  Teenagers know more about political events more than the average adults might do. For example: We, teenagers could be watching T.V.and we are on the news channel or something, and the channel is showing political debates.  We might take interests in it so we will watch it and as a result, we learned something from it. Plus, we spend most of our time on the computer, internet, so we might come across to a page about political events, elections, and etc.

Why we shouldn't be allowed to vote : Even though, SOME of the teenagers are more mature, but the MAJORITY of them are not mature enough to understand politics to get the full grasp of what is really going on around them. In addition, MOST of us don't have a clue what we really want at this age, we might want this today and will change our minds the next day. Though some of us do.
 In conclusion, I think SOME of us are allow to vote, and SOME of us should just wait till we turn 18 years old. [:

18 September, 2010

10 Vocabulary Words .

  1. Marginal 
  2. Integration
  3. Revenue
  4. Subsequent
  5. Regime
  6. Compensation
  7. Entity
  8. Derive
  9. Discretion
  10. Inclination

17 September, 2010

Best Friend ?

Okay, so I thought it was pretty cool and interesting how Cindy is doing a 30 day challenge thingy, And on day 1 she has to write a letter to her best friend. This is part of what she wrote,  
 "Okay! now freshmen year, you went to nea, i went to asti. i went to your house every few weeks and ate your food. We went to San Francisco and Hayward. and other places that i cant think of. ...i don't know what else to say for freshman year. Now, we both go to asti. we only have one period together. i hope that the classes get switched up for the 2nd semester. i don't think that will happen. Now i will IM you to tell you i put up the 30 day challenge."

Because of the fact that I did not want to copy her and write a letter to my best friend, I am going to write a two poems to my best friend. (: Actually, the following poem that you are going to read, I wrote them when I was in 7th grade :D But still, I wrote them for my best friend. 

           Friends Forever
Words can't describe you mu friend
I know you will be there till the end
When I am down, you frown
There is nothing we can't overcome
What ever the future will become
I know God sent you here
To let us share happiness and tear
We shared so much together
Through every single weather
Our friendship is a treasure
& beyond any measure
We are meant to be friends forever [: 
& Here Is The Other One 

     Ode To My Friend
Thanks for being part of my life
Though we sometimes strife
Our friendship is pure
& true
Thanks for guarding my secrets
Like a precious gift
Thanks for being there
When times got rough
You made it easier, when times get too tough
Thanks for the memories we made
Hope it will never fade
Thanks for comforting my fears
When I tear
Thanks for telling me that when I need a hand
You will be always here ♥

Response To Nawara's Blog

Before I start, I would like to thanks Nawara for writing this entry. (:

On Thursday, September 16, Mr. Sutherland showed us Nawara's blog. And we had to do a quick write in response to her entry. So I thought it would be interesting to post what I sorta wrote on my quick write. 

Nawara said, "When I think about school, I imagine homework, quizzes, breaks, gossip, etc. When I came to Alameda Science and Technology Institute, I learned that I was in a smaller environment and in an area that is full time work, work, work. When it was my first day of school, all I was thinking about was college. I felt like I was not in a high school where they have rallies, dances, and football games. I was in a community where we succeed in higher educational standards. As a freshman, I was scared. I felt like I was not going to succeed even though I was accepted, I did not feel like I was ready. While the year went on, I became to fully understand the requirements and expectations to succeed as an ASTI student. I felt more relaxed." 
After reading what Nawara said, I totally feel the same way as she does. As she mentioned, Alameda Science and Technology Institute is a lot of work. And if we do not manage our time, we will do poorly on both homework and testes or quizzes. In explanation of that is if we waste our time on stuff that are not related to our homework then we will not have time to finish it and will lose points for not doing it or not finishing it. Or if our homework was to study for the coming up testes or quizzes, we will just take that studying time privilege at home, and just spend it on non homework related stuff. 

Being at Alameda Science and Technology Institute is frustrating, because I came from a middle school that did not really prepare for me for this. In middle school, I did not have to 3 or more hours of homework like in ASTI do. Also, I did not have to try to do everything the best, because I know there will be always extra credits. But in ASTI, teachers have said that they do not allow extra credits, because if you try and give out your best you will do good. So there will be no need for extra credits. Back in middle school,  with doing extra credits, I was a straight A, and a straight 4.0 student, although I did not feel that I earned it. In ASTI, I spend more time on homework than my sleeping time. But, as the day passes by, I am managing the time better. And adapting how ASTI works. (: 

13 September, 2010

Rebuttal For The Death Penalty Debate .

  The following is what Elizabeth and I came up with : 

Death penalty should be allowed for a myriad of reasons and there are some points  that the con side did not address. To begin with the con side said, “A second chance should be given in life before a death penalty,” but in fact most people wait many years on death row before they are killed, and so they have much time to prove that they are innocent. If you are not trying to to prove yourself innocent, then you are not really trying and do not care about your life. Some prisoners would prefer the death penalty so that they don’t have the guilt of the crime committed weighing down their minds for the rest of their lives.

Additionally  the con side quoted that “To kill the person who has killed someone close to you, is simply to continue the violence which destroys the avenger as well as the offender.” They are saying we should not put them on death row, but if we do not do that then we have to put them in jail and as we get more prisoners then the prisons get overfull, and we have to provide the supplies necessary for their survival: food, education, shelter for more of them since more and more people are being sent to prison because they did something awful. 

Lastly, one of the con side’s other reason says something about religion, Religion also plays a important part in Death penalty. Everyone is taught that they  should be given a second chance The thing about religion though, is that it is an unreliable source and excuse for many things having to do with politics. This is the reason we have this little thing called “Separation of Church and State.” Ever heard of it? I think so. Religion should not be a deciding factor in laws. One of the con side’s reasons said every one should deserve a second chance in life, but who ever gave the person that got killed by the accused a second chance?

A few sources, just for good measure:

Thanks For Reading