17 September, 2010

Response To Nawara's Blog

Before I start, I would like to thanks Nawara for writing this entry. (:

On Thursday, September 16, Mr. Sutherland showed us Nawara's blog. And we had to do a quick write in response to her entry. So I thought it would be interesting to post what I sorta wrote on my quick write. 

Nawara said, "When I think about school, I imagine homework, quizzes, breaks, gossip, etc. When I came to Alameda Science and Technology Institute, I learned that I was in a smaller environment and in an area that is full time work, work, work. When it was my first day of school, all I was thinking about was college. I felt like I was not in a high school where they have rallies, dances, and football games. I was in a community where we succeed in higher educational standards. As a freshman, I was scared. I felt like I was not going to succeed even though I was accepted, I did not feel like I was ready. While the year went on, I became to fully understand the requirements and expectations to succeed as an ASTI student. I felt more relaxed." 
After reading what Nawara said, I totally feel the same way as she does. As she mentioned, Alameda Science and Technology Institute is a lot of work. And if we do not manage our time, we will do poorly on both homework and testes or quizzes. In explanation of that is if we waste our time on stuff that are not related to our homework then we will not have time to finish it and will lose points for not doing it or not finishing it. Or if our homework was to study for the coming up testes or quizzes, we will just take that studying time privilege at home, and just spend it on non homework related stuff. 

Being at Alameda Science and Technology Institute is frustrating, because I came from a middle school that did not really prepare for me for this. In middle school, I did not have to 3 or more hours of homework like in ASTI do. Also, I did not have to try to do everything the best, because I know there will be always extra credits. But in ASTI, teachers have said that they do not allow extra credits, because if you try and give out your best you will do good. So there will be no need for extra credits. Back in middle school,  with doing extra credits, I was a straight A, and a straight 4.0 student, although I did not feel that I earned it. In ASTI, I spend more time on homework than my sleeping time. But, as the day passes by, I am managing the time better. And adapting how ASTI works. (: 

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