28 January, 2011

Rebuttal To The Years Of School .

This is going to be a rebuttal to Vic’s post on “should the number of years of schooling be changed.” On his post, he said that the years of schooling should be change, to shorten the years of school. And I disagree with Vic for a few reasons.
He stated that, Students spend most of their childhood learning in school, discipline and educational subjects, but they don't have enough time to be a child after elementary school.”
So I believe that Vic is saying students should spend time out side of school, and instead they should spend more time not in school, because they should enjoy their life while they can.  He also said “ they don't have enough time to be a child after elementary school,” this is saying, kids should not have that many years of elementary schooling, because they are not important to life. And he is also saying, kids should focus more on middle, high school or college instead of elementary school.
I have to say, I disagree with him, elementary years should not be shortened in any how, because during elementary years are what prepared kids or students to move on to like middle school. And middle prepares them into high school, and high school into college. So if they messed up during their elementary years they can messed up their whole life.
In addition, the numbers of school years should not change because kids can learn a lot from elementary schools too. From the math-and-reading-help-for-kids.org, it says that, “Although kids usually take a year of geometry in high school, they begin learning geometry in elementary school.” This is saying kids will start to learn geometry in their elementary years already, but if the year of elementary is shorter they might not get a chance to learn about geometry till like middle school or high school. Also learning geometry at such a young age can help them prepare when they take geometry in middle or high school.
In conclusion, the years of schooling should not change, because in every years of schooling, it prepares them for the next stage.

23 January, 2011

The Color Purple: Celie .

What do Celie's letters to God tell you so far about
1. Her character traits and
2. Her beliefs about and relationship with God? Use quotes to answer both parts of this question.
From where I have been read up to, the book, The Color Purple by Alice Walker, is written in the form of Celie writing letters to God. 1. To me Celie is someone that cares a lot about her love ones, like her mom, and her sister, Nettie, also Celie would do anything to protect her love ones.
Just like on pages 3 and 7, Celie wrote to God on what happened, “ I see him looking at my little sister” (pg. 3), and “ I ast him to take me instead of Nettie while our new mammy sick.” (pg. 7)
Those two quotes are saying that Celie’s dad wants to rape Celie’s little sister, Nettie, which is Celie’s daughter, and the quote on page 7 is saying Celie would take the job for Nettie, because she needs to protect Nettie. And she does not want Nettie to go through what happened when her father sexually abused her. Since Celie has been through that, she does not care to go through the pain again, she is used to it now. But, Nettie is not, so to protect Nettie, Celie asked her father to take her instead. This demonstrates that Celie cares about her sister, and is willing to go through anything to protect her sister.
In Addition, Celie is someone that trusts God, a lot. In Celie’s letters to God, what she wrote are very personal, only God she trusts should only read it, and she only tells God her secrets, because she is ashamed, and does not want anyone to know it. She tells God everything, even times when she was sexually abused by her own father. “Just say You gonna do what your mammy wouldn’t.”(pg.1) This portrays that Celie trusts God, so she tells/ writes to him about anything that happened in her life. She loves God, she knows God will not judge her for who she is and what she did. Only in writing letters to God can express her feelings, her emotions.

21 January, 2011

Online Social Networks .

---->Are online social networks (Facebook, etc.) overall more harmful or more beneficial to society?
To begin, although there are many benefits from using online social networks, yet there are numerous of bad things about it too. According to this website (click to view), states that,
Social networking sites entice people to spend more time online and less time interacting face-to-face. The sites offer many time wasting activities that supplant more productive activities. Teens spend an average of nine hours per week on social networking sites
This is say that when using online social networks, we rather chat online than seeing others in person. Also, when using online social networks, we can talk to everyone we want to all at once but can not interact with them physically. If we want to talk/see to them in person, doing this all at once is not possible and chatting on online networks limits the interaction you get when seeing them in person. To conclude, seeing someone in person will waste more time but it is worth the time.
In addition, the site also said that,
Teens growing up with these sites may not be aware that the information they post is public and that photos and text can be retrieved even after deletion. Consequences from over-sharing personal information include vulnerability to sexual or financial predators and lost job opportunities from employers finding embarrassing photos or comments.”
To me the main issue about online social networks is stalkers. For instance like Facebook, when you accept someone you do not know’s friend request, they will be allowed to view your walls. And your infomations, and stalkers can easily figure out who you hang out with and your upcoming activity. Like, when your friend posts something on your wall asking you to go somewhere, that particular stalker will then be able to stalk you. Clearly, there is not much privacy when using online social networks. And where families and close ones seeing the stuff they wouldn’t think you will do. Not only that, stalkers and creepers can also look through your photos. They might and can use your photos without you knowing and post them online for other creepy purposes.

14 January, 2011

Response : People Change

It is not easy to change yourself, but sometimes we do change. Sometimes, we will not even notice that we have changed. Whiles others will notice instantly. Changes include, trying a new habit, becoming friends with people they usually do not hang out with, or starting to hang out with people they usually do not. The list can go on forever and ever, but for now I will stop it here.   And there are changes that are good, and while the other is bad.
After reading Karisa’s post, I feel sorry for her, because of how her old best friend treated her. And I can feel how she felt, because one time I was visiting my old friends at their school. And when I got there, I said hi to one of my great friends, and she said hi back. Then, she turned her back on me, and continued her conversation with her new friends. Then like 20-30 minutes later, I announced that I was going to leave, but all she was doing was talking to her new friends. She did not even say bye, or anything to me.
I feel the same :  With what Karisa said :
“Now, I haven't talked to this friend in a really long time. I miss her, but she doesn't really seem to care. It's kind of sad because she was one of my closest friends in middle school and now we never talk. Just like the quote said "[People] end up having nothing to say to each other, even if they were best friends the year before."
Back in middle school, me and my great or best friend would hang out at school, eat hang out after school, eat lunch together, go shopping, chat on aim, phone, and other stuff that best friends do together. We do hang out as a group sometimes, but we barely talk when we see each other. But now, we would only talk to each other when we have questions for each other. Like sometimes before the day we would hang out, she would often ask, “Can I get a ride?” Or like, “ Do you know who is going?” and some sorts of questions like that.
She might not noticed that she changed, changed into someone that care less about their old friends from their old school. I miss her, and our friendship.

Response : Global Warming .

This is a response post to Billy’s post.
To begin, everyone is talking about global warming very frequently now, like how the weathers are weirdly changing everyday. In one day it would be as hot as 60 degree, while the next day it would be in the low 40’s. And I believe that we, humans are the main cause of the problem of global warming. Here is some things Billy mentioned in his blog post :

“...Global warming is caused by humans. In the past there have been cold and warm weather periods and some scientists believe that it’s natural, but most scientists say that humans are the main cause... We Americans live in a place were industries and companies are big in money and in pollution..”
After reading Billy’s post, I agree with him that global warming is not only caused by nature, but also we, humans are the main ones that are causing global warming.
To start off, I know that when there are too much CO2 getting released into the air then it will result in getting caught in the Ozone layer, which is bad to our environment.  I  also have heard that the temperature of the Earth increases naturally over time, however we, humans are fastening this process.
And I say we are causing global warming, because we are constantly in our everyday life overloading pollution from our cars and factories and many others to the air.
In addition, there are many ways to reduce the effect of global warming, and save ourselves from global warming. First of all, we can do the three Rs,  Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! We can replace our regular light bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs, this kind of light bulbs use ⅔ less energy than the regular one. Next, we should drive less, if you are going some where close, instead walk, or ride a bike, driving lesser saves you more money on gasoline, also you can carpool. With carpooling, there will be less pollution, than everyone driving in their own car. Lastly, grow some plants, or plant a tree. Since trees and other green plants give out oxygen !
There are many other ideas or ways we can help to reduce global warming.  

Will Hard Work Pay Off ?

After attending from kindergarten to 12Th grade  the final stage of going to school for most people is college. And the question is If you go to an elite college will you have a better life or future after graduating from an elite college ? To before I explain my points, I believe that if you graduate from an elite college you will have a higher chance of having a better life than like if you are attending to a community college. In addition, I think which ever college you attend will or might determine your future life, or your income. Attending to an elite college, and having to graduate it is hard work !  So will hard work pay off?
After reading all the seven different responses on the topic does it matter where you go to college from nytimes.com, I conclude that I agree with David W. Breneman. Yet, I find that the most persuaded one was Richard D. Kahlenberg, who wrote “Numbers Favor Top Schools.” In his debate, Kahlenberg stated that,
Entry level earnings are 45 percent higher for graduates of the most selective institutions compared with the least selective, and the wage gap may grow over time. One study suggests almost all of the higher earnings can be attributed to the talent of incoming students but most studies find the wage boost provided by selective institutions themselves to be between 5 percent and 20 percent.”
In Kahlenberg’s response, he is saying that attending to an elite college will make a difference in your future, that means that elite colleges will lead you into a better life or future. By explaining so, he had numbers to back up his points, while saying that there was a study that proved the number he listed.
Out of the seven responeses, I find that Kevin Carey, who wrote the “Skip Admissions Game.” I think his response was the least persuasive one, plus I disagree with some of his points, for instance when he said, 
“It turns out that the best community colleges do a better job than the average elite research university at teaching freshman and sophomores.”
I disagree with what he said, because if a community college can do much better than elite colleges, then students wouldn't need to pay all those money to get into elite colleges. Or if community college can teach better, then elite colleges won’t have to spend so much time, effort, and money on their reputation.