14 January, 2011

Response : Global Warming .

This is a response post to Billy’s post.
To begin, everyone is talking about global warming very frequently now, like how the weathers are weirdly changing everyday. In one day it would be as hot as 60 degree, while the next day it would be in the low 40’s. And I believe that we, humans are the main cause of the problem of global warming. Here is some things Billy mentioned in his blog post :

“...Global warming is caused by humans. In the past there have been cold and warm weather periods and some scientists believe that it’s natural, but most scientists say that humans are the main cause... We Americans live in a place were industries and companies are big in money and in pollution..”
After reading Billy’s post, I agree with him that global warming is not only caused by nature, but also we, humans are the main ones that are causing global warming.
To start off, I know that when there are too much CO2 getting released into the air then it will result in getting caught in the Ozone layer, which is bad to our environment.  I  also have heard that the temperature of the Earth increases naturally over time, however we, humans are fastening this process.
And I say we are causing global warming, because we are constantly in our everyday life overloading pollution from our cars and factories and many others to the air.
In addition, there are many ways to reduce the effect of global warming, and save ourselves from global warming. First of all, we can do the three Rs,  Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! We can replace our regular light bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs, this kind of light bulbs use ⅔ less energy than the regular one. Next, we should drive less, if you are going some where close, instead walk, or ride a bike, driving lesser saves you more money on gasoline, also you can carpool. With carpooling, there will be less pollution, than everyone driving in their own car. Lastly, grow some plants, or plant a tree. Since trees and other green plants give out oxygen !
There are many other ideas or ways we can help to reduce global warming.  

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