21 January, 2011

Online Social Networks .

---->Are online social networks (Facebook, etc.) overall more harmful or more beneficial to society?
To begin, although there are many benefits from using online social networks, yet there are numerous of bad things about it too. According to this website (click to view), states that,
Social networking sites entice people to spend more time online and less time interacting face-to-face. The sites offer many time wasting activities that supplant more productive activities. Teens spend an average of nine hours per week on social networking sites
This is say that when using online social networks, we rather chat online than seeing others in person. Also, when using online social networks, we can talk to everyone we want to all at once but can not interact with them physically. If we want to talk/see to them in person, doing this all at once is not possible and chatting on online networks limits the interaction you get when seeing them in person. To conclude, seeing someone in person will waste more time but it is worth the time.
In addition, the site also said that,
Teens growing up with these sites may not be aware that the information they post is public and that photos and text can be retrieved even after deletion. Consequences from over-sharing personal information include vulnerability to sexual or financial predators and lost job opportunities from employers finding embarrassing photos or comments.”
To me the main issue about online social networks is stalkers. For instance like Facebook, when you accept someone you do not know’s friend request, they will be allowed to view your walls. And your infomations, and stalkers can easily figure out who you hang out with and your upcoming activity. Like, when your friend posts something on your wall asking you to go somewhere, that particular stalker will then be able to stalk you. Clearly, there is not much privacy when using online social networks. And where families and close ones seeing the stuff they wouldn’t think you will do. Not only that, stalkers and creepers can also look through your photos. They might and can use your photos without you knowing and post them online for other creepy purposes.

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