17 December, 2010

Cold Weathers .

Hey guys. So this is going to be a free blog post.
Do you like cold weathers? Yes? So do I ! Well, anyways, winter is here, that means that it is going to be cold. Okay, so in this post I will list the cons and pros of cold weathers / winter.

Cons of cold weathers:
  • You have to use an umbrella when it rains
  • When it rains, it gets your hair wet if you are not wearing a hood, or have an umbrella
  • When it rains, gets your clothes wet if you are not using an umbrella
  • When it rains ,gets your shoes wet
  • Gives you dry skin
  • Gives you chapped lips
  • Nose turns red
  • Cold weathers = cold hands, cold feet, cold everything !
  • You will have to wear a lot of layers of clothes = fat looking !
  • Can’t eat ice cream, well you can but you will get more cold
  • Can not go swimming
  • Gloomy and black groups
  • Thunder and Lightnings
  • Shivers: Goose Bumps
  • The sky get dark earlier
  • Can get sick easier
  • Ants get into your house
Pros :
  • Do not sweat as much
  • Play with snow
  • Wear cold weathers accessories like scarfs, or like leg warmers
  • Christmas is around the corner
  • Easier to breathe cold air
  • Play in the snow
  • Go ice skating
  • There are lots of hot, hearty meals that go great with the cold weather
  • Bugs go away, well most of them

I believe the list can go on and on, but for now i can not think of any, any more. So I am going to stop it there. Although the cons’ lists is way longer than the pros’ list,  I still prefer cold weathers because well my list already says it all. It is mainly because Christmas is around the cold seasons, and we do not have school for three weeks.
And during cold seasons, you can do all those snow related activities. Like ice skating, snowing, making a snow man, and many more ! Though, cold weathers are great, it is annoying at times too. The sky gets dark earlier, you’ll get dry skin, and it rains ! Okay, I am done now. Bye guys.

Third Book Post : The Curious Incident Of the Dog In the Night-Time

Hi guys. This is going to  be my last book review on The Curious Incident Of the Dog In the Night-Time. So in the third lit circle discussion, me and my group discussed about the ending of the story, since it was the last paper clip we had to read. Later, we talked about how Christopher is the problem or conflict of his parents, and his mom and Mr. Shears. My group then talked about how Christopher’s dreams are scary, and how they are creepy. Plus, in our lit circle discussion, we also talked about how Christopher is just the same as everyone else is.
So we’ve just finished up the book. And I do not think that the ending was exciting, I kind of find the ending boring in a way. I think that at the end, Christopher’s parents should get back together again. And in the lit circle discussion, a member of the group disagreed, he said that they should not get back together because, it will caused more problems, just like how it did before. The problem got Christopher’s mom left.
Anyways, lets talk about his scary / creepy dreams. So on page 198, he said, “ And when i was asleep I had one of my favorite dreams... And in the dream nearly everyone on earth is dead, because they have caught a virus.” I find that his dream is creepy because that is considered his favorite dream, when almost everyone died. This shows that he does not like crowded ness, how the earth is crowded with lots of people, so he wishes people died. But remaining people like him, on page 198- 199, “ And eventually there is no one left in the world except... all special people like me. “ This tells me that he does not like people  that are not like him, he likes people that are special like him.
In addition, in our discussion Colin stated that Christopher is just like everyone else, but he takes on different path to find the solution, how all the paths have the same end results. Then, Elton, said he does not really agree with Colin by having same paths will lead you to same solutions, because our paths affect our future. And, to conclude that I agree with both Colin and Elton, Christopher can solve a problem like others can, but he might not too, since our paths affect our futures.

11 December, 2010

Response : Oakland .

This is a response post to Shannon’s blog post about the topic on Oakland. And on her blog post, she stated that,
“  Living in the hood for my whole life, I would say Oakland is fine. A lot of people call it a "kill-zone" and say its dangerous. From the parts I've lived in and from my experience its not really dangerous unless you're unlucky and shot as an innocent bystander or you're into some stuff. Most people in Oakland aren't even into stuff. Oakland has actually been very safe for me and lots of other people. There are parts that are very nice like Montclair and the Oakland Hills are all safe as can be.“
I do agree with what Shannon had said about Oakland being kind of safe. I have lived in Oakland for most of my life, and I have never experienced, seen or witnessed violence happening. From my experience, I’ve seen more fights happening in school than I have seen in Oakland. And so yeah, to me Oakland is pretty safe, and most people that do not live in Oakland think that Oakland is dangerous, because maybe others had told them that there are fights, killing, gunshots, violence, and etc happening here all the time. And, they think so is maybe some one else told them the same thing, and now they are spreading what they think Oakland is around. Though, to me Oakland is safe to live, there are parts of it that have violence, not every where is completely safe, and does not have any violence, and stuff.. But to me, Oakland is not as bad as every one thinks it is.

And also what Jessica said in her blog supports my view on Oakland. She said,

Seriously, Oakland residents aren't really into killing however the only reason that people are doing violence is because they are poor and need money to live a life.”
I think it is true that people are stealing by using violence, because they need the money, since there aren’t many jobs around, and people have lives too, so they have to steal to support their family.

Second Paper Clip : The Curious Incident Of the Dog in the Night- Time .

So far I have read up to my second paper clip, this paper clip was interesting. I found out that his father killed Wellington and his mom is still alive. . And during those pages, what I have annotated are about predictions of Christopher’s actions. For instance, on page 94, it says “Then I noticed that there were lots of other envelopes and they were all addressed to me.”
Then, on page 97, “So I opened the envelope inside there was a letter,” after the end of the letter it says that Christopher’s mom wrote it to him. So based on that my prediction was that, “ I predict that the letter is going to reveal something that is related to his mother.”
Also, I predicted that maybe Christopher’s mom is still alive, and these are the evidences that support my prediction: on page 98, “... Lots of Love, Your Mum... Then I was really confused because mother had never worked as a secretary...”
And, on page 99, Christopher thought, “ Then I though that perhaps it was not a letter from... “
After those, I predicted the mom is still alive, she just moved away since she had an affair with Mr. Shears / Roger.

And during the lit circle discussion, we basically talked about our predictions, and like how our predictions were correct.  In the lit circle discussion, we discussed about how our prediction of Christopher's mom is still alive. Like how we said, there was not enough evidence to believe that she is dead. And instead there are more information on why she moved away; how she has an affair with Mr. Shears. And because of that she moved away, and so Christopher’s father has to lie to Christopher that his mom died from cancer. Instead of telling him that she moved away because of Mr. Shears.

On page 130- 131, he made a diagram inside his head of where to live at. Because he is planning to run away, and he does not want to live with his father anymore. And this is because on page 122, Christopher said, “ I had to get out of the house. Father had murdered Wellington. That meant he could murder me, because I couldn’t trust him, even though he had said “Trust me,” because he had told a lie about a big thing.” So on his diagram were options of who to go to, there were : living with his father, Mrs.Shears, garden, his mother, or Uncle Terry. And I think he should stay with his father, because the only reason why he killed Wellington was because of Mr.Shears, and why Mr.Shears is his mother being lonely, and why his mother became lonely was constant fights with his father between Christopher, himself.

04 December, 2010

Response To : Definition of Beautiful .

This is a response post to Christy’s blog post on the definition of beauty or beautiful.
On her blog post, she said :

Why do people always mention skinny, tall, long legs, banging body type of girls?... What makes skinny girls so much better? I wish everyone can accept the fact that everyone is beautiful in their own ways... Someone can be beautiful on the outside and ugly in the inside. Someone can be ugly in the outside and beautiful in the inside.”

Definition of Beauty . To me beauty means embracing their own unique beauty rather than covering it up to look like everyone else. One is beautiful when they are being their selves, and is comfortable with it.  
And also, I agree with what Christy said in her blog post. But also, not all skinny people are pretty, maybe they are pretty on the outside. But what makes them ugly is their heart, or their personality. If one girl is really pretty, but she is mean to others then of course some people will not think of her beautiful. And like if one girl is not as pretty as the others, but her inside heart is really nice. And she gives her heart to everyone, then everyone will think she is the beauty.  Beauty is inside the person, not out side. If someone kind,soft and honest then that is considered beautiful. Appearance is not always everything, what is most important is the inside.
But there are a few things I have to disagree in her blog post. She mentioned :
My parents always tells me that I am fat, It brought me down so much that it lowered my self esteem...  It affected me so much that I would starve for the rest of the day and only have something to drink”
I have to say that Christy, you are not FAT ! Just ignore your parents! They are just jealous of you, because when they were little, they were not as perfect, or pretty as you ! [:
And you should of never starved yourself ! D:
That’s unhealthy ! And lastly, you are beautiful. Both the inside and outside. (:

Book Discussion .

The book, The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night - Time written by Mark Haddon is about a guy that has autism, named Christopher that goes through the process of solving the mystery of who killed his neighbor’s dog Wellington.  So far from where I have been read up to, The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night - Time is an interesting book to me. It made me curious and questioned about many things in the book.

Although the fact that Christopher has autism, he is very smart. It is evidenced when he introduced himself to the reader :
“My name is Christopher John Francis Boone. I know all the countries of the world and their capital cities and every prime number up to 7,057.” - page 2
He also explains a formula for how to find prime numbers.
“First you write down all the positive whole numbers in the world.

Then you take away all the numbers that are multiples of 2... [and] 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and so on.
The numbers that are left are the prime numbers.” - page 11

In addition, I questioned if Christopher’s mom is still alive or not. In the book, when his dad announced that Christopher’s mom died, but the father did not really explain what kind of heart diseases caused her died. Plus, Christopher weirdly did not attend to his mom’s funeral. And since one of his neighbor explained to him that his mom and the owner of Wellington, cheated on his wife for Christopher’s mom. Maybe that was the reason his mom left, and so Christopher’s dad has to make up an excuse that his mom died.

I also questioned who killed the dog, Wellington. I predict either Mr.Shears, or Christopher’s father killed Wellington. I think Mr.Shears killed the dog, because maybe he was in an argument with his wife, Mrs.Shears about cheating on her. When they were in the argument, Wellington was defending the wife, so maybe Mr.Shears got bad and used the garden fork, and stabbed Wellington. Also I think, his dad maybe killed Wellington, because his dad could of been in an argument with Mr.Shears then his dad could of killed the dog.