04 December, 2010

Response To : Definition of Beautiful .

This is a response post to Christy’s blog post on the definition of beauty or beautiful.
On her blog post, she said :

Why do people always mention skinny, tall, long legs, banging body type of girls?... What makes skinny girls so much better? I wish everyone can accept the fact that everyone is beautiful in their own ways... Someone can be beautiful on the outside and ugly in the inside. Someone can be ugly in the outside and beautiful in the inside.”

Definition of Beauty . To me beauty means embracing their own unique beauty rather than covering it up to look like everyone else. One is beautiful when they are being their selves, and is comfortable with it.  
And also, I agree with what Christy said in her blog post. But also, not all skinny people are pretty, maybe they are pretty on the outside. But what makes them ugly is their heart, or their personality. If one girl is really pretty, but she is mean to others then of course some people will not think of her beautiful. And like if one girl is not as pretty as the others, but her inside heart is really nice. And she gives her heart to everyone, then everyone will think she is the beauty.  Beauty is inside the person, not out side. If someone kind,soft and honest then that is considered beautiful. Appearance is not always everything, what is most important is the inside.
But there are a few things I have to disagree in her blog post. She mentioned :
My parents always tells me that I am fat, It brought me down so much that it lowered my self esteem...  It affected me so much that I would starve for the rest of the day and only have something to drink”
I have to say that Christy, you are not FAT ! Just ignore your parents! They are just jealous of you, because when they were little, they were not as perfect, or pretty as you ! [:
And you should of never starved yourself ! D:
That’s unhealthy ! And lastly, you are beautiful. Both the inside and outside. (:

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