17 December, 2010

Cold Weathers .

Hey guys. So this is going to be a free blog post.
Do you like cold weathers? Yes? So do I ! Well, anyways, winter is here, that means that it is going to be cold. Okay, so in this post I will list the cons and pros of cold weathers / winter.

Cons of cold weathers:
  • You have to use an umbrella when it rains
  • When it rains, it gets your hair wet if you are not wearing a hood, or have an umbrella
  • When it rains, gets your clothes wet if you are not using an umbrella
  • When it rains ,gets your shoes wet
  • Gives you dry skin
  • Gives you chapped lips
  • Nose turns red
  • Cold weathers = cold hands, cold feet, cold everything !
  • You will have to wear a lot of layers of clothes = fat looking !
  • Can’t eat ice cream, well you can but you will get more cold
  • Can not go swimming
  • Gloomy and black groups
  • Thunder and Lightnings
  • Shivers: Goose Bumps
  • The sky get dark earlier
  • Can get sick easier
  • Ants get into your house
Pros :
  • Do not sweat as much
  • Play with snow
  • Wear cold weathers accessories like scarfs, or like leg warmers
  • Christmas is around the corner
  • Easier to breathe cold air
  • Play in the snow
  • Go ice skating
  • There are lots of hot, hearty meals that go great with the cold weather
  • Bugs go away, well most of them

I believe the list can go on and on, but for now i can not think of any, any more. So I am going to stop it there. Although the cons’ lists is way longer than the pros’ list,  I still prefer cold weathers because well my list already says it all. It is mainly because Christmas is around the cold seasons, and we do not have school for three weeks.
And during cold seasons, you can do all those snow related activities. Like ice skating, snowing, making a snow man, and many more ! Though, cold weathers are great, it is annoying at times too. The sky gets dark earlier, you’ll get dry skin, and it rains ! Okay, I am done now. Bye guys.

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